Tianwei L.
posted this on Mar 27 08:36
The WIMM Platform is based on Google’s Android operating system, adding a few WIMM-specific APIs that are key to wearable technology. This tutorial will walk you through the steps involved to setup your development environment on a Windows machine.
Download and install the Java Development Kit (version 5 or newer).
If you intend to use the emulator for development, the WIMM SDK includes a script that helps you create and launch an WIMM Emulator.
The script that is included in the WIMM SDK requires Windows PowerShell to run. PowerShell 2.0 is recommended and it comes pre-installed in all version of Windows 7. If you do not have PowerShell or you are running a previous version of it, you can install/upgrade it here.
If you wish to have your WIMM Emulator sync/register with the WIMM Webservices(i.e you want to connect to the micro app store). You would need to get a certificate files from us. Please visit my.wimm.com/developer/certs and have the certs emailed to you. We will provide you with a Unique ID certificate files to be place in the "credentials folder" in the "addon_wimm_one_7" folder.
Ready to create your own application on the WIMM Platform? This guide will walk you through the classic "Hello world" application in a jiffy.
Want more than just an emulator? Get your hands on a WIMM One Developer Kit and checkout this guide to connect your WIMM One device to your PC!
Feel free to comment below with any questions, or contact tianwei@wimm.com if you need additional assistance.